Discover How to Produce Profit-Pulling “Viral Article” Mini-Sites in Minutes!


Dear friend,

If you'd like to publish viral articles online but have no HTML skills, then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!

Here’s why:

I’m about to reveal how you, or anyone else for that matter, can instantly generate high quality viral article mini-sites that will attract prospects and search engines like crazy – even if you are a complete Internet newbie!

It’s Time to Get the “Free Advertising” You Deserve!

More and more Internet marketers are turning to writing viral articles – that is, articles that anyone can reprint and use provided they also print the author’s resource box – to get free advertising for their businesses.

What many don’t know is that most viral articles never reach their intended audience due to anti-spam filters and article theft.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much that marketers could do about either of these problems … until now, that is!

The Viral Article Producer!

This amazing program allows anyone – no matter what their programming experience – to easily create viral article web pages, or mini-sites.

These mini-sites are a great way to get around spam filters and theft and get your articles out to the public!

Now You Can Publish Your Articles Online Immediately … Which is Vitally Important

Considering Content is Still
King on the Internet!

Let me ask you a quick question: “What are people searching for on the search engines everyday?”

They are searching for good, high quality content – and each day, thousands upon thousands of content searches are being made.

That’s why it is so important for you to be able to get your articles out on the web fast. Creating mini-sites featuring good solid fresh content, is simply the best way to start drawing traffic and increase your sales!

You can use your viral article mini-sites to:

·        Attract thousands upon thousands of highly targeted visitors and leads from the world's top search engines

  • Increase sales of a product or affiliate product by creating high-value follow-up series
  • Transform your pages into an authority hub by providing users and the search engines with fresh content about your product, service and/or niche
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field – these well-written will make you appear to be the expert that prospects should go to when they have a question in your niche!
  • And much, much more!

You Can Even Start Earning Money With Your Mini-Sites By Adding AdSense to the Pages!

That’s right, you can earn extra revenue by simply adding Google AdSense code to your viral article mini-sites!

By including AdSense code in every online article that you publish, you will automatically create revenue streams that send extra cash into your bank account 24/7.

This is Your Chance to Start Easily Publishing Online the Laser-Targeted Articles You Need to Grow Your Business & Explode Your Profits!

One of the biggest challenges online marketers face today is getting good content up on the web.

  • Maybe right now you are sitting in front of your computer for HOURS struggling to format an article – if so, you should realize that you are wasting precious time that you could be using to do other important things, such as increase sales and grow your business!
  • Or maybe you submit articles to sites only to see them later with someone else’s resource box!

  • Or maybe you aren’t ever seeing your articles because they were blocked by a spam filter!

If any of the above are true for you, you should know that you are not alone and that you have definitely come to the right place.

Thanks to the Viral Article Producer you can stop wasting countless hours working IN your business (that is, formatting content and trying to get it published) and more time working ON your business (that is, increasing sales).

The Viral Article Generator is the convenient way to format and publish high quality articles today.

Here is more of what this powerful program will do for you:

  • Quickly increase your traffic and sales by getting your content online – when other publishers begin reprinting your viral articles, you can just sit back and watch your traffic and profits soar!
  • Reuse existing content – Viral Article Producer makes it easy to recycle and rework existing content and post it online … saving you time and money!
  • Copy existing articles into the program – and immediately convert them to HTML with the click of a mouse!
  • Save your viral articles in different formats – to ensure your articles get through spam filters, HTML is the suggested format but this software program will also allow you to save your articles in other formats as well, including text and more, so you can send them as email attachments!
  • Turn private rights articles into mini sites – and get content online before your competition knows what hit them!
  • And much, much more!

It’s time to put this program to work for you … It’s time that you started working smarter, not harder … It’s time for you to achieve the personal and financial freedom you’ve always wanted.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Look at just a few of the many benefits that come from using the Viral Article Producer:

  • Quickly and easily generate viral article mini-sites that will draw your prospects’ and search engines’ attention!
  • Use the article mini-sites to generate AdSense and affiliate commissions!
  • Receive more frequent spidering and ranking by search engines that give preference to sites that have fresh content!
  • Generate free, unlimited traffic!
  • Receive more frequent visits by people who appreciate up-to-date content!
  • Use the article mini-sites to gain instant credibility and guru status, which will help boost your sales conversions
  • And much, much more!

Remember in today’s competitive Internet marketplace, you need every advantage you can get and the Viral Article Producer is a great way to ensure you don’t spend too much time on your articles and too little time growing your business.

So what are you waiting for?

Download Viral Article Producer Now!

Let me ask you:

How much would you expect to pay for a tool that could save you time and help you grow your business?

Certainly, in today’s competitive marketplace, even N17,000 would not be unreasonable … but relax you won’t have to pay near that much for the Viral Article Producer.

In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of a special promotional offer and receive the Viral Article Producer for just N7,000that’s a full N10,000 off the regular price of N17,000!

This is a Special Limited Time Offer!

So go ahead and download your own copy of the Viral Article Producer right now for only N7,000.  That's an instant N10,000 discount.

And this is one-time payment – NO annual or monthly fees!

Also, with my immediate download feature you can have the Viral Article Producer up and running on your computer in just minutes from now!

What is an Instant Download?

Even if you have never downloaded something from the Internet before, it’s incredibly easy to do. Just follow the simple instructions.

And by taking advantage of instant download, you will also enjoy these benefits:

  • No shipping costs.
  • No waiting time, forget having to wait weeks for delivery.
  • No risk of your product being lost or damaged in the mail.

Plus, Act Now & You’ll Receive
Bonuses Absolutely Free!

With My Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee,
You’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!

I am so sure that you will love the Viral Article Producer that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply notify me within 90 days and I will refund your money, in full, with absolutely no questions asked!

That’s THREE FULL MONTHS to put this program to the test! I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Either start generating high-quality viral article mini-sites instantly or get your purchase price back!

You really do have nothing to lose!

Plus, don’t forget, if you order the Viral Article Producer, you can take advantage of my immediate download feature to begin using and benefiting from it in just minutes from now!

Get the Viral Article Producer & Put Yourself on the Fast Track to Online Business Success!


SD-6 Consortium

P.S Remember my special introductory offer won’t last long. Receive the Viral Article Producer for just N7,000 before it is too late!

P.P.S Also remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this special price while you can! If the Viral Article Producer isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 90 days and I will refund your money immediately.


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